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Tuesday, May 25, 2010 @ 1:04 PM
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I've just finished watching Gossip Girl's Season Finale. It made me sad :( Can't believe that this season will end with Chuck and Blair's unresolved issue. Stupid Jenny. ugh. Chuck was about to propose to her!!! S and N finally taking a break from each other. Jenny will change, I'm sure she will. Dan ~ oh Dan you're in trouble. Chuck got shot. OMG. I wanna see how Blair reacts to that. Chuck Bass, are you gonna give up or fight for your love? I hope everything goes well on the fourth season. Can't wait.
CHAIR forever.♥
I'm still watching Vampire U-KISS. SO FUNNY. The date episode was hilarious. Kiseop so scared of the rides. Xander have so many fans :D Poor Eli, Kevin and Kibum. The O Brothers who doesn't have dates :P

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If the road is rough, letting myself experience pain and suffering will make me go forward positively.