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Sunday, May 8, 2011 @ 8:05 PM
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Happy Mother's Day To All the Moms!!! Me, my lil sis and bro made breakfast today for my mom. Really simple :) Eggs, Toast, Coffee and Sliced Watermelon (that i took out from the ref :P) Before eating, my sis showed mom the animation she made for her. It was really cute. She's so good doing that kind of stuffs. It only lasted for a minute but you can see that she was really pleased. I took out the mango bravo that was cleverly hidden in the freezer so she wouldn't notice and gave it to her. I bought it yesterday.

Mango Bravo is absolutely one of my fave cake ever!! We went to church then it suddenly rain. We were planning on going to Heritage to visit my lola but we had to change that plan and instead, we went to festi. We ate at Max. It's not my first choice but we were so hungry :P After that we went to Robinsons. My dad bought my mom swim wear for her outing. My mom and dad were happily walking to Starbucks saying HHMM. I was like, "What's HHMM?". "Holding Hands while walking", my mom replied with a grin on her face. My sis and I were laughing after that. Corny but Sweet!

We got to Starbucks at around 12:30. Happy Hour is super love. frappuccino half price We bought four fraps grade size :D We got mocha for my dad and sis, caramel for my mom and strawberries with cream for me. We waited for my brother who went somewhere to buy pc games then we went home. Short but I was satisfied since my sis paid for our drinks.
At Home, I was just browsing the net to past time :) We had pizza for dinner. yum :3 It's really cold now. You can feel the end of summer. I like it. The summer heat this past few days were too much for me. I gotta a feeling that I'll be sleeping like a baby tonight.

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If the road is rough, letting myself experience pain and suffering will make me go forward positively.